About US

Fresno Seed Co. Is For Gardener's Of All Kinds

Some seed companies are formed chiefly for the home gardener who has a small patch of ground, while others are formed for the market-farmer who depends upon his land for his or her living. Fresno Seed Co. specializes in providing quality seeds at a fair price for growers and gardeners of all kinds.

Low price is not the aim for our company; we first strive to get the best seeds in the land, sometimes from other lands - then we price them as low as we can. You will agree, when you consider that after all your labor of digging and tilling the soil only to be repeated if your seeds do not come up, that is is best to place your confidence in the seeds of a reliable company such as ours.

Our level of growing experience dates back decades since the pre-depression days in the times when families such as ours had no other choice but to live off the land, growing everything from A to Z, not only providing for themselves as farmers but for others as well. Our ancestors taught us well how to appreciate the things we have and where it comes from and it begins from the earth beneath our feet!

We are a fully Registered and licensed to Seed company by the state of California with full authorization to sell seeds of all kinds.

Fresno Seed Co.
For Seeds That Grow

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